First Post – WOOHOO!


Hi, everyone!

A bit late for the first post but here I am.  I leave in a week and half so I thought it would be best to get something online.

Most everything is organised so far, including flights, passport, ETSA, accommodation for GenCon and some of my contacts for couchsurfing. Also got my SIM for my phone and have organised to purchased some gear to be delivered locally.

I am going to need contacts in Las Vegas and Denver and either KC or StL for the drive to GenCon (it is in Indianapolis).  Let me know if you can help or know someone who can.

I fly for 18 hours and I arrive 30 minutes after I left.  When I fly back it takes 17 hours but I arrive 2 days later.  TIME TRAVEL!!

So, first update done.

Talk to you all again soon!